Praise the Lord in All Things

I am drinking in every word of Power in Praise and I am so blessed. Jean, VA Power in Praise is a very encouraging book with many wonderful stories of the Lord’s bounty backed up with relevant quotes from the Bible. Maz, United Kingdom Power in Praise should be a must read for everyone! We all have problems and can …


By Mary Carothers Luke 8 tells us about Jesus and His disciples crossing the lake in their boat. While Jesus slept, a storm swept down on them so violently that the boat was being swamped. Verse 23 tells us…they were in great danger. When they woke Jesus, pleading with Him to save them, they were not overreacting. Their fear was …

We Just Can’t Lose

Recently I heard the testimony of a man, a new convert, who was striving to live a godly life, but was wrestling with his ungodly past. He had spent much of his fifty-five years in drinking, swearing and in immorality. Although God had forgiven him, he wrestled with his past. Old profane words kept shoving their way into his mind, …