Words of Love for Mary & Merlin

I’m so happy for Mary and so sad for all of you. I imagine Mary will be missed. God bless, comfort, and direct your steps as you continue to fulfill the mission of Merlin and Mary. Maureen, DE What a pang it gave my heart to read that Mary had gone to join Merlin at the side of Jesus. What …

Understanding Our Destiny

Pharaoh’s daughter drew Moses out of the river and adopted him as her own. However, while he was very young, she had him stay with his own family. Daily, at his mother’s knee, he must have heard the story of God’s Divine intervention in saving him from death. At a very early age he must have been fully persuaded that …

Have You Heard About…?

Being a busybody (better known as a gossip) and prying into other people’s affairs are listed along with the sins of murder, stealing, and making trouble (see I Peter 4:15 TLB). Christians sometimes fall into the sin of prying into other people’s affairs and then gossiping about them. Apparently, God considers this as serious a sin as stealing or murder! …