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When the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son… (Galatians 4:4).
In the fullness of time a certain person was born on this earth. God ordained that this person should come to earth to fulfill His plan. Do you know who that person was . . .? Did you think, Jesus?
Yes, He came at the correct time, in the perfect place, and to the right parents. But so did you! You came to fulfill God’s purpose. He decided when, where, to whom, and with what characteristics you would be born with.
We may feel that God’s plan for Jesus’ life could have been greatly improved upon if you or I had organized it! But I’m glad God planned it, for His plan worked. His plan for you and me is perfect. Now it’s up to us – just as it was with Jesus! He had to fulfill His part. It wasn’t easy, but He did it. God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself . . . (II Corinthians 5:19).
We should believe Him. We should declare, “I may never seem to be successful, or loved when I try to do right, or supported when I need help. It may be that I will never be believed when I share what God reveals to me or accepted by others. But I believe in Jesus as my total and complete Savior. He lifts me above my failures and sets me firmly on the path that leads toward doing God’s will.”
I could recall many things about my past that I consider failures. But Jesus came into my life and announced that I am His! He said His victories are mine! Now I’m united with Him instead of with my failures.
All of my life’s journeys have added up to victory. God’s plan for me is always moving forward.
When I accepted Jesus as Savior, I entered God’s family. When I fail, I may suffer, but He never disowns me. That is my perception of God. He made me, has a plan for me, loves me and is always watching over me.
His plan for you is perfect too! So, rejoice with great joy. The more you rejoice in, rely upon and obey Him, the more quickly you will complete His plan for you. The more you grumble, groan, and doubt, the longer it will take, and the harder it will be to complete your task.
Out of His fullness we have all received grace… (John 1:16 NIV).
You already know that you are imperfect! Now you may need to learn how perfect God is. He doesn’t make mistakes! He was as careful with His plans for you as He was with His plans for Jesus! You and I haven’t been completely obedient as Jesus was, but in spite of that we can complete God’s plan. I’m determined to do that, and I know that I must agree with Paul when he said in Romans 15:29:
I know that when I come to you, I will come in the full measure of the blessing of Christ.
That blessing is given to you and to me, not because of our own merits, but by our faith in Jesus Christ! Live today as though you are someone special! This will honor God who has told us in Jeremiah 29:11 that His plans for our lives are for good and not for evil! (Reprint from December, 1993)