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A man traveled thousands of miles to see me and said, “Merlin, I want to tell you how thankful I am that God used you to help me know Jesus as my Savior.” As he shared his heart with me, he broke down in tears of joy. I was greatly blessed by his visit. His visit caused me to meditate on what eternity may be like.
The more I think about it, the greater my joy becomes. We will live forever! What might we be doing during eternity? Like the man who came to see me, we may look for the persons who led us to Christ and tell them how thankful we are. They may answer, “Do not thank me. Thank the person who led me to Christ.” That person may tell us the same thing. All of this could lead us clear back to Jesus’ apostles, and they might say, “Well, let’s go to Jesus and you can thank Him!”
God has given us a desire to have good friends. Maybe in eternity we will become special friends with all the people who had a part in leading us to Christ. And the better acquainted we become, the more time we will want to spend with them.
What about the people that you and I help lead to Christ? They would want to spend time with us. And the people that they lead to Christ may also want to meet us. There is no end to the number of close friendships that we can build in eternity.
And best of all we can spend eternity in getting to know Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and God the Father.
The joys of eternity will be immense. The innumerable stars in space demonstrate that God’s capacity for creating is unlimited. He is building His everlasting kingdom and creating a place for His forever family.
In John 14:3 (TLB) Jesus talked about this new place: When everything is ready, then I will come and get you, so that you can always be with me . . . When I talk with God about all this, I sometimes weep with joy. He asks us to do our part in fulfilling His plan. Every time we lead one person to Christ, we are helping to build His everlasting Kingdom.
God has used the Foundation of Praise as His instrument to bring many thousands of people to Christ and eternal life. Every day we receive letters that cause my heart to sing with joy. One wonderful day we will meet them all in Heaven! (Reprint from April 2002)