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Living is expensive! Ever noticed? Would you like to learn a terrific way to save money?
Praising the Lord will decrease your expenses!
When we are discouraged, weary, sad, lonely, or angry, one of our first “problem solving” ideas are to do something that costs money. When some folks are upset the first thing they say is, “Let’s go out to eat.” Nowadays that can be expensive. Other folks say, “Let’s go shopping.” That seems to be their answer for anything that disturbs them.
People who feel defeated sometimes strive to raise their self-image by spending money on homes or cars they cannot afford.
Men will spend money they don’t have to keep their wives from being unhappy or angry. Wives can be forced to do without necessities if husbands waste money on things to make themselves feel more important. Money has a way of working its way into every facet of life if we permit it to do so.
Praising the Lord can also be involved in everything we do! But it doesn’t cost anything to solve problems with praise! All of us face difficult situations, but an attempt to solve them by spending money is not the right solution.
One sure way to solve problems is to believe that God is working each and every situation for our good. At first that way of thinking may seem very difficult to accept, but don’t give up. Be persistent. Stand firm in your faith. Declare, “God will make this problem work for my good.” We don’t have to spend money to make our family or ourselves happy. And if we do this is exactly the opposite of what we should do.
Desire for things, always leads to desire for more things. The need for things always leads to a greater need for things. Praise to God leads to faith in Him and to happiness that money can never buy. Praise leads to solutions that work. Praise leads to a way of life that builds on a firm foundation that cannot be blown over by adversity.
I John 2:15 expresses it this way: Do not love the world or anything in the world. Love for, and trust in God, solves problems. Depending on things to solve problems always causes problems.
The carnal mind says, “But I feel good when I buy this or that.” And it is correct! But it fails to remind us that soon that pleasant feeling goes away, and then we feel worse than before! We need another “fix.”
The spirit of praise causes our peace of heart and happiness to increase. Practice praising the Lord every time you are tempted to spend money to make yourself feel better. Your financial status will improve, and you will have money to help both your own family as well as others. (Reprint from January 1992).