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By Mary Carothers
I remember visiting a church when I heard this song. The words went something like this:
Jesus is my Security
Jesus is my Identity
Jesus is my Everything.
How the Father longs for these words to be a reality in the hearts and lives of His blood-bought children. To feel that our security rests in our finances, our health, another person or anything other than Jesus, is to have built our life on shifting sand (see Matthew 7:26). Why is this? God tells us in the Bible that riches take wings and fly away (see Proverbs 23:5). As for putting our sense of security in a person … Job learned that he could not depend on either his wife or his best friends to help him. Proverbs 3:5 exhorts us to trust in the Lord with all our heart. There is only One who never changes, will never die, and will never, never leave us. His name is Jesus.
How about your identity? Do you see yourself only as someone’s parent? Or child? What about your husband or wife? Is your identity only in your relationship with them? Politics is in the news a lot these days. Is your identity tied up in one of the political parties? Is it in your career? Or is it perhaps wrapped up in the doctrines of your church?
There is so much emphasis today being placed on racial and ethnic backgrounds. What is important is for Christians to understand and to know – really know – that we are children of the Great King! We have been adopted by Almighty God! We are only travelers – temporarily passing through this world – on our way to our true home, Heaven. We are each a part of the body of Christ. We are brothers and sisters because of Jesus our Lord. All other sources of our identity are as a passing fad. Here, for a moment of time, and then gone – forever.
Have you ever heard the expression “Blood is thicker than water”? It means that blood relationships are stronger than other friendships. Because Jesus shed His Blood to pay for our sins and to make it possible for us to be adopted, we are blood brothers and sisters in God’s eternal family. And He has no favorites (see Deut. 10:17, Acts 10:34).
I urge you to identify yourself forever – with Jesus. The Lord yearns over you, longing to be your security, your identity, your everything. In Him is where your identity and your security should rest, for all eternity.