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By Mary Carothers
Is the Bible true? Can we really depend on it? The psalmist wrote in Psalm 119:105 that God’s Word was a lamp for his feet and a light for his pathway.
When this Psalm was composed, parts of the New Testament were yet to be written. People of that day did not have as full a revelation of God as we do today. Yet the psalmist believed he could rely on the scripture that he did have. He says in verse 114: I have put my hope in Your Word.
If the psalmist could put his hope and trust in God’s Word, then so can we. Because God’s Word never changes (verse 89), it is just as appropriate for God’s people today as it was thousands of years ago.
God commanded His people to keep the gift of sex within marriage. Was He wanting them to be inhibited? Was He trying to keep them from having fun? Of course not. God wanted – and still wants – to keep marriages stable, for the husband and wife, and for the children who come. Today, we have much “free sex,” and we have rampant sexually transmitted diseases as a result. We also have multitudes of hurting, aching people with broken lives. Yes, God’s Word is very relevant today.
How about Jesus’ command to love our enemies (Matthew 5:44)? I discovered something about the Bible. God’s commands to us are for our good. That’s right. When I can operate in the realm of God’s agape love, I am in charge of the situation. I’m in control of my attitude, my words and my actions. I’m not responsible for other people’s attitudes or actions. God only holds me accountable for my own. Whatever the situation, if I am controlled by God’s agape love, I win! Why should I care if someone thinks poorly of me, or falsely accuses me? If I am pleasing to God, then I am more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37).
Can you see how Jesus is glorified when any of us manage to exhibit the love of God to those who treat us badly? What the devil meant for evil (to hurt our feelings or to make us angry or whatever) God has caused to work for good (Romans 8:28). Whatever comes across the pathway of our lives, let’s allow God’s Word to be our guide, and His love controls us. That makes God happy and gives glory to Jesus.