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By Mary Carothers
When thinking of Mary and Martha, I always felt Mary was the wisest – after all, she chose to sit at Jesus’ feet, loving Him, while Martha was busy working for Him. But, like all the rest of us, Mary “blew it” on one occasion, anyway.
Lazarus had died. Jesus hadn’t gotten there in time. When He did arrive, it was too late. Both sisters were grief stricken. When word reached them that Jesus had finally come, Mary must have felt like, “What’s the use,” because she didn’t go to Him, but remained where she was, weeping in her grief. Martha, on the other hand, probably felt the situation was just as hopeless, but she took her grief to Jesus. “Lord, if only you had gotten here in time, my brother would not have died.” (A little later Mary was to say the same thing yet falling at His feet in hopeless grief.) Martha, in her faith, went a step farther. “Lord, if only you had gotten here in time, my brother would not have died – yet even so, I know that whatever you ask from God, He will give you.” (See John 11:22).
What a huge step of faith she took – her brother’s body had begun to decay; yet somehow, she knew Jesus was still in charge of this situation. To Martha – because of her decision to trust Him –Jesus revealed a great truth, never before spoken: I am the Resurrection and the Life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live (John 11:25). These words, promising eternal life to all who believe in Him, had never been so clearly revealed before. Martha received the blessing of that promise because she took her grief and sorrow to Jesus.
Lord, may we always run to you in faith with our sorrows and cares, even as Martha did. May we always trust You – no matter what happens – and know in our innermost being that You are LORD of all.