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Martha, Martha, the Lord answered, you are worried and upset about many things
(Luke 10:41)
Understanding the word “omnipotent” is important to us – exceedingly so! The Creator of our vast universe is all powerful. He is able to do anything He wants to do.
Puny, human minds think of our Creator as limited in power. How ridiculous! It’s unreasonable to think of God as being limited by anything that He created.
Why do I stress this point? We will never find peace of mind until we accept God’s omnipotence.
Fortunately for you and me God decided to create us in His image, but that blessing carries one huge responsibility. He will not force us to trust Him; we alone must make that decision. We seem to find that very difficult to do, but Jesus saw trusting God as being so easy that even a child could practice it; simple – not complicated.
The Bible explains our mission here on earth; have faith in God’s power to do anything that needs to be done. Understand that and we are ready to fulfill His plan for our lives. I don’t mean that we should accept “fatalism.” Our part must also be done if God’s plan is to be fulfilled with the least amount of suffering on our part.
While in the desert the Israelites decided they had been without water long enough. Their children were at the point of dying of thirst. Enough is enough, they thought, so they decided Moses should solve their problem – now!
The rebellious mind says, “Unless God does a miracle for me, I can’t trust Him.” God refuses to respond to our unbelief, and we miss the great blessing of knowing Him better.
We often strive to believe that God will work some wonderful miracle for us. But in this straining, we suffer; enjoying God’s blessing always seems to be somewhere over the horizon. The joy Jesus promised seems to always elude our grasp.
Relief, peace of mind and joy all hinge on our acceptance of that one word – omnipotent. God is able to do whatever needs to be done. He doesn’t need our wisdom or strength to accomplish anything. He needs our trust.
If you haven’t been trusting God with your marriage, children, work, finances, health or your future, why not begin today? Just do your best at each task and give up the stress that wants to control you. Stress says, “I can’t trust God to work this out, so I’d better worry about it.”
You might say, “But my problem is severe. I need God to do something now, and He isn’t doing it.” Maybe you need to add one more word to God’s qualities. He is omniscient; He knows everything about everything, and He know exactly when everything should be done.
If you choose to “Be worried and upset about many things,” that’s your God-given right. But for me and my house, I choose to rest my burdens in His omnipotent care. (Reprint from January 1995).