The Jewel of Great Price

The Jewel of Great Price


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I often think of the Gospel – and all that it involves – as a diamond, a priceless jewel. Even as a diamond has many facets, each enhancing the other, so is the Gospel many faceted. Centermost, of course, is our salvation, our free gift. We can never earn it, since Jesus already paid for it with His precious blood.

One of the facets of the Gospel is giving thanks in all circumstances. Not only does this establish God’s sovereignty in the lives of His children, but it also causes our faith and our love for Him to grow as we realize how completely involved He is in our lives.

Another facet is worship. Not only is this God’s due, but it also brings us into His very presence where we receive the guidance and grace we need for our daily lives.

Healing is yet another facet. Whether He chooses to heal us supernaturally, through the skill of doctors, or by natural means, He is the Lord, our Healer. In many cases, healing is His perfect will. He may give us instant healing or gradual healing. Or He may give us the ultimate healing: taking us home to be with Him.

Prosperity is a facet closely connected to healing. Gone are the days when a person had to be poor in this world’s possessions in order to be a committed Christian. While God may prosper us financially, He also desires that we be able to enjoy all things without having to own them (see II Corinthians 6:10).

Submission is an important facet of the Gospel. In these days of worldwide rebellion and anarchy, how greatly we need to learn to submit ourselves – not only to those in positions of authority – but in love to one another.

Who does not want the fruit of the Holy Spirit to grow in their lives? No one would deny their importance in the lives of Christians. Surely Christ is glorified as He is formed in us.

Many believers are experiencing the reality of the gifts of the Spirit in their own lives as well as seeing it in others. Still another exciting facet.

While there are many more facets to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, let me mention one more – faith. So important is faith that we cannot please God without it. Paul says it is faith, working through love, that is the most important.

To have a vital Gospel to present to the world, we must have the balance of the whole Gospel. (Reprint from December 1985)

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