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By Mary Carothers
Some time ago, Merlin and I were ministering in a church in Florida. Before the service, we met in the pastor’s office for prayer. One of the men who was there to pray with us, had laryngitis and could hardly speak. Later, during the church service, he got up to sing. I couldn’t believe my eyes! “Surely he’s not going to try!” I thought. But when he opened his mouth and began, I couldn’t believe my ears! It was beautiful! While he was singing, Jesus began to minister to my heart. “He is giving his voice and his song to Me. Therefore, I am able to use it to minister to my people.”
Then the Lord began to shed new light on the story in John, chapter six where Jesus fed the multitude. The little boy who had the lunch didn’t feed the crowd. Jesus did. He just gave what he had to Jesus. In quantity it wasn’t much; just enough to take care of one. I’m afraid my attitude would have been to hang on to the little that I had – or I might wind up with none at all. Yet when the lunch was released, and given to Christ, He was able to multiply it and feed the people.
And what do you think about the quality of the boy’s lunch? After sitting around all day, it couldn’t have been too fresh. In fact, those fish probably smelled by then. Yet it was the best he had, and Jesus accepted it.
Have you ever been asked to sing, teach, or serve in some way in your church? Was your response something like… “Who me? I can’t teach! I’m not smart enough or experienced enough.” Or, “Me sing? But I am out of practice. My voice isn’t very good. Get someone else.” Yet who has a voice worthy to sing the praises of God? Or who is wise enough to teach about His love and grace?
Do you ever feel tempted to think, “What is the use of giving to my church – or to some worthy ministry? The little that I could give wouldn’t go very far.” … Or would it? Is it really possible for Jesus to multiply our gifts – when we give to Him? I know He can – and He does! This way the Lord alone receives the glory!
By now the song was over and once more Jesus spoke to my heart. “Just give Me what you have, Mary. It isn’t much, but I’ll take it, bless it, multiply it, and with it I’ll feed my people.”
(Reprint from March 1997)