The Incredible Power of Praise

The book Power in Praise has been a real blessing in my life. Robert, NJ I gave a young friend in Ohio a copy of Power in Praise and she read it and took it to heart. She told me in astonishment, “I’ve not been trusting the Lord.” I also gave a copy to an always anxious friend in Colorado, …

Who Do You Say He Is?

By Mary Carothers In Matthew 16:13 Jesus asked His disciples, Who do people say that I am? The disciples replied that some folks thought Jesus was John the Baptist, perhaps because John and Jesus ushered in a new era of God’s dealing with mankind. Other people thought He was Elijah, because both Jesus and Elijah were miracle workers. Still others …

It Is Still Happening

Ever since I became a follower of Jesus I have heard people asking, “How do you know that Jesus is who He said He was?” Something happened in me when I knew Jesus was my Savior. Nobody said, “Merlin, you should tell people all over the world that Jesus is the Savior.” Yet a voice within me kept urging me …

God Says

You are His. (Isaiah 43:1) You are strong. (Psalm 68:35) You are protected. (Psalm 121:3) You are family. (Ephesians 2:19) You are the apple of His eye. (Zechariah 2:8) You were created for a purpose. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Words of Praise and Thanks!

We thank you for the Foundation of Praise ministry and the Praise News. It is always a blessing to us when we receive it. Linda, KS I am most grateful to Merlin for leading me to making praising God a never-ending priority! Joseph, TX Thank you for the Praise News. Reading the articles and testimonies stir our hearts and we …


Years ago, Merlin and I were able to minister to inmates in a prison, he to the men and I to the women.  When I had finished sharing and praying for the ladies, the prison chaplain presented me with this lovely white flower. It was lovingly made from the only thing that was available to them – toilet paper. What …

We Can! And We Must!

One of man’s most cherished longings is to find peace of heart and mind. Is this selfish? No, but the longing to have this peace is often man’s most elusive dream. Some strive to attain goals — only to find that success often brings discouragement. When others don’t reach their goals, they often languish in depression. Is there a path …

Letters of Praise & Thanks!

Thank you for the praise books you sent to our residents. They are receiving them with interest and enthusiasm. Hopefully the demand will increase, and I will let you know when we can use more books. Director, Correctional Center, NY Thank you for the praise books. We have nearly 1600 inmates here and over 200 of them are active participants …

Father, Forgive Them

By Mary Carothers What a wonderful example Jesus set for us as He hung on the cross. We also are to forgive those who hurt us. We can’t in our own strength, but with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can. In fact, one of the Holy Spirit’s names is Helper. The other day I was thinking of the …

Big Isn’t Always Best

A pastor told me his heart ached when he attended his church’s annual ministers conference. When the ministers discussed their churches, one of the first questions they asked of one another was, “Is your attendance growing?” It seemed to my friend that many pastors had “big, bigger, biggest” attendance as their primary goal. But it’s easy to want bigger and …