Praise Works! | Letters From Our Readers

I want to thank you for the wonderful book, Bringing Heaven into Hell. It touched my heart. Even though Merlin has been gone for many years, his books are still touching people’s hearts. Jeffrey, Tarrant County Jail, TX I am reading Secret Sins and it is truly a great book. I am in prison for things that I am not …


By Mary Carothers I remember visiting a church when I heard this song. The words went something like this: Jesus is my Security Jesus is my Identity Jesus is my Everything. How the Father longs for these words to be a reality in the hearts and lives of His blood-bought children. To feel that our security rests in our finances, …

Blessings Not Curses

The following principle may be a little difficult to understand, but once understood it can release us from a multitude of burdens. Remember the old song, “Take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there”? Much of the time our “burden” is someone with whom we are associated. We want God to change that person, to make him “fit …

Mary and Martha

By Mary Carothers When thinking of Mary and Martha, I always felt Mary was the wisest – after all, she chose to sit at Jesus’ feet, loving Him, while Martha was busy working for Him. But, like all the rest of us, Mary “blew it” on one occasion, anyway. Lazarus had died. Jesus hadn’t gotten there in time. When He …

A Key to Happiness

Faith in God is crucial to our happiness. Faith supplies an inner peace that meets our deepest needs. Unbelievers clutch at straws in their passion to persuade us that there is no God, but our hearts know better. We are born with inner conviction that there is a Supreme Being. Therefore, believing in and trusting God gives us inner joy. …

Spreading The Message Of Praise | Letters From Our Readers

Loved Prison to Praise back in the ‘70’s and still do!! Bill, WI Let me share with you how I got the book Prison to Praise. We had to call a repairman to fix our air conditioner and we had prayed for the Lord to send the right person. When he completed the job, he gave us a copy of …

Choices by Mary Carothers

Every day we make many choices: what we wear, what we eat, what we do. This is also true in our spiritual lives – we choose between our will and God’s will. Often the Holy Spirit convicts us through the godly example of another Christian. When He does, we make a choice. We can choose to humble ourselves (see I …


Something Jesus said had confused me. I kept trying to understand what He meant when He said: I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you (Mt. 17:20 NIV). I had often prayed …