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I’m writing to let you know of the blessing I received from reading Prison to Praise. I praise God that He knows everything that I am going through and it will draw me closer to Him.
Willie, County Jail, NC
I have read Prison to Praise over and over again and it will forever be a blessing to me.
Julio, County Jail, TX
Your books, Prison to Praise, What’s on Your Mind? and You Can Be Happy Now have made a tremendous impact on our cellblock. We are so grateful for these books.
Madison, County Annex, TX
Praise and Glory to God for His loving kindness and care for us. Thank you for working for God’s glory. God bless you.
Pauline, CA
Thank you for all that you do to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ though your book, CD’s, tracts and especially the Praise News. I look forward to reading it every month and reread old ones and pass many of them on.
Kitty, WA
So thankful for your ministry and the Praise News. They always bring encouragement and point us to trust in our good God. Blessings.
Rinske, TX
Thank you so much for the Praise News. It really makes my day when I receive it.
Ann, FL
Thank you so much for the Praise News. My prayers are with you in the New Year. You have made a difference in my life!
Patricia, IL
Happy New Year and we trust the Lord to open more doors for your ministry and to reach many more lives that will embrace God’s love.
Daniel & Maggie, CA
God’s timing is perfect. I’ve always read how God inhabits the praise of His people, but today the message in the Praise News was saying through Merlin: “The Lord was showing me that praise to God melts man’s coldness of heart and stubborn resistance!” Thank you so much for continuing the work began so many years ago. I was very young when I read Prison to Praise and it changed my young Christian life.
Jeanne, LA