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Thank you for the message of praise through your books and the Praise News. Reading Power in Praise in 1974 when I was nineteen totally changed how I walked in my Christian faith and in my day to day living. Heartfelt thanks and God’s blessings.
Vickie, MO
I read Power in Praise and immediately began praying and thanking the Lord for my illness that I have had for over a year. I will give God the glory as He ministers in my life.
Synnove, Norway
I was a teenager when I first read Power in Praise and now, I am 64 years old and the book surfaced again from a box of “old, packed away stuff” and God is using it today to heal me. I have decided to thank and praise God for my anxiety and have received a new peace. Praise Him!
Kim, e-mail
Kindle Readers of Power in Praise Share
Power in Praise gave me a new perspective on how God’s hand works in difficult situations.
Power in Praise demonstrates how Christians can believe that God is moving in their lives in all the things that happen to them, whether they appear to be good or bad. The book goes on to show that if we believe that God is with us, and offer praise even in adverse circumstances, we will come to understand why praising the Lord for all things works!
Reading Power in Praise changed my life and I recommend this book to anyone looking for a “re-charge” in their walk with the Lord.
I revisited my old favorite book Power in Praise, and I am being blessed out of my socks with the familiar truths coming back to remind me how far I have drifted away from the principles of praising the Lord for all things. These Biblical truths have lifted me up spiritually and I have put my trust back in the Lord.
I was going through my worst moments in life in 1998 and was at the verge of giving up but when a friend gave me Merlin Carothers book “Power in Praise”, my life changed. May God bless Merlin and Mary for their noble work here on earth.
Power in Praise and Prison in Praise had radically changed my life and God has used it to immensely bless me.
Years ago I read this in 2011 when I was 21 years old, I decided to praise the Lord in every bad situation.
One night While driving on my bike with a guitar hanging behind me a drunk driver rammed his car into my side at high speed. I remember the burst of fear I felt when I was about to crash. My bike went crashing and I was thrown high into the air and landed on my head on concrete. When I got up, I immediately began to praise the Lord. There wasn’t even a scratch on my body and no scratch on my head. Some people caught the drunk guy but I told them to let him go.
I saw that my bike and guitar were completely thrashed but I was beaming from ear to ear and praising God!
How Great is Our God! Lovely Jesus! ❤️