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I’m so happy for Mary and so sad for all of you. I imagine Mary will be missed. God bless, comfort, and direct your steps as you continue to fulfill the mission of Merlin and Mary.
Maureen, DE
What a pang it gave my heart to read that Mary had gone to join Merlin at the side of Jesus. What a blessing they have been in my life! I read Power in Praise in 1975 and have the original book all marked up. The message never grows old.
Ann, MI
We sincerely thank God for Mary and her warm wise words. The things she shared in the Praise News each month revealed how wonderfully she was constantly growing in the knowledge of our Savior. Thank you for continuing the ministry of praise.
Randa and Ben, CO
I am so sorry to hear that Mary passed. You have my sympathy. I thank you for keeping the ministry going.
Vickie, MN
Thank you for sharing that Mary has passed on to her heavenly reward. Although greatly missed, we rejoice with you that she is now enjoying Jesus and Merlin face to face, beautiful music and all that God has in store for us.
Esta, TX
I enjoyed meeting Merlin and Mary when they came to Germany many years ago. Mary spoke to our ladies’ group and what a sweet, lovely woman she was. I’ll be 84 soon and looking forward to our heavenly home.
Pat, MO
Merlin and Mary have left a legacy that will live for eternity. Reading the books and Praise News was so helpful I feel like I knew them and yet never met them.
Evelyn, LA