Thank you for the praise books you sent to our residents. They are receiving them with interest and enthusiasm. Hopefully the demand will increase, and I will let you know when we can use more books. Director, Correctional Center, NY Thank you for the praise books. We have nearly 1600 inmates here and over 200 of them are active participants …
Father, Forgive Them
By Mary Carothers What a wonderful example Jesus set for us as He hung on the cross. We also are to forgive those who hurt us. We can’t in our own strength, but with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can. In fact, one of the Holy Spirit’s names is Helper. The other day I was thinking of the …
Big Isn’t Always Best
A pastor told me his heart ached when he attended his church’s annual ministers conference. When the ministers discussed their churches, one of the first questions they asked of one another was, “Is your attendance growing?” It seemed to my friend that many pastors had “big, bigger, biggest” attendance as their primary goal. But it’s easy to want bigger and …