First and Last and Everything in Between

By Mary Carothers In Revelation 22:13 Jesus said He was the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning, and the End. I have always understood that to mean that He was with God before the world was made, as first John clearly tells us: In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. …

How to Save Money and be Happy in the Process

Living is expensive! Ever noticed? Would you like to learn a terrific way to save money?      Praising the Lord will decrease your expenses! When we are discouraged, weary, sad, lonely, or angry, one of our first “problem solving” ideas are to do something that costs money. When some folks are upset the first thing they say is, “Let’s …

The Jewel of Great Price

I often think of the Gospel – and all that it involves – as a diamond, a priceless jewel. Even as a diamond has many facets, each enhancing the other, so is the Gospel many faceted. Centermost, of course, is our salvation, our free gift. We can never earn it, since Jesus already paid for it with His precious blood. …

At Just the Right Time

When the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son… (Galatians 4:4). In the fullness of time a certain person was born on this earth. God ordained that this person should come to earth to fulfill His plan. Do you know who that person was . . .? Did you think, Jesus? Yes, He came at the …

Understanding Our Destiny

By Mary Carothers Pharaoh’s daughter drew Moses out of the river and adopted him as her own.  However, while he was very young, he stayed with his own family.  Daily, at his mother’s knee he must have heard the story of God’s Divine intervention in saving him from death.  At a very early age he must have been fully persuaded …

You Can’t Play Beethoven?

Some people have told me that they tried to experience power in praise but have been unable to see any results. They followed the examples they read in my books and sincerely endeavored to give praise to God an opportunity to work greatly-needed changes in their lives. After a few discouragements, they decided that praising God would accomplish nothing in …

God has a Positive Answer

You Say: It’s Impossible God Says: All things are possible (Luke 18:27) You Say: I’m not able God Says: I am able (11 Corinthians 9:8) You Say: I’m not smart enough God Says: I will give you wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:30) You Say: I feel alone God Says: I will never leave or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5) You Say: I’m …

Use What You Have

By Mary Carothers Some time ago, Merlin and I were ministering in a church in Florida. Before the service, we met in the pastor’s office for prayer. One of the men who was there to pray with us, had laryngitis and could hardly speak. Later, during the church service, he got up to sing. I couldn’t believe my eyes! “Surely …


Mary and I have often pondered the mystery of why so many thousands of people have accepted Jesus as their Savior while reading Prison to Praise.  A “soul-winning” book explains God’s plan of salvation, our need for repentance and Jesus’ gift of eternal life, but the main emphasis in Prison to Praise is praise. I was in a small motel, …

The Real Lion

By Mary Carothers God is the creator of all things.  He alone can design and bring into being something out of nothing.  God creates the original.  On the other hand, Satan is a created being.  As such, he cannot create; he can only counterfeit.  In other words, he has to fake it. In I Peter 5:8, the Lord tells us …