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Thank you for the praise books you sent to our residents. They are receiving them with interest and enthusiasm. Hopefully the demand will increase, and I will let you know when we can use more books.
Director, Correctional Center, NY
Thank you for the praise books. We have nearly 1600 inmates here and over 200 of them are active participants in our Christian Fellowship Group.
Chaplain, Correctional Center, VA
Thank you for your donation of praise books. You can rest assured that the books will be distributed and deeply appreciated. Our Spanish-speaking inmates even more so since Spanish materials are harder to come by. Thank you again and please let your praise partners know that we are praying for them, and God bless them for their support.
Chaplain, Correctional Facility, NY
Prison to Praise is the best book I’ve read in a long time. It is truly an amazing book and easy to read. It brought me to tears as I found my belief and joy in the Lord again.
Wendy, Detention Center, MT
While in prison in 2020 I remember seeing a copy of Prison to Praise but it didn’t really interest me. Now back in jail again I saw that book on the Chaplain’s book list and asked to borrow it. I’m so glad I did. I couldn’t put it down. I looked up all the scriptures and how I’m praising the Lord for all things. I was sorry to read that Merlin has passed on but so happy to know that he is in his heavenly place, and I look forward to the day I will meet him.
Steven, Placer Jail, CA
God be with you as you bring so many blessings to others. I love the Praise News and I thank you for all you do.
Vivian, GA
I love receiving Praise News. It lifts my spirits, and it is wonderful to know about praising the Lord. It really helps me get through the difficult times. I have been praising the Lord since the ‘70’s. Thank you again for all you do for God’s work.
Marie, NJ
Do you ever wonder what people do with Merlin’s books? We started a little ministry of placing books and tracts in a laundromat that allowed a small display in their reading corner. As of today, we have over 1000 Prison to Praise and 400 tracts that have gone out from that one location. May the Lord richly bless you as you labor in the fields.
Tom & Carol, FL
Thank you for the messages of praise and salvation and all the works of the ministry. May all these efforts plant seeds that will be fruitful and multiply.
Paula, CA
Merlin’s books and messages still have a profound affect on me and my daughters. Thank you for continuing to spread his anointed and beautiful messages from God.
Carolyn, MO