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By Mary Carothers
What a wonderful example Jesus set for us as He hung on the cross. We also are to forgive those who hurt us. We can’t in our own strength, but with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can. In fact, one of the Holy Spirit’s names is Helper.
The other day I was thinking of the Lord’s Prayer where Jesus told us we must forgive others if we want God to forgive us. As I thought about Jesus’ words, I prayed, “Lord, show me my heart. Show me where I may need correction, so I can be more pleasing to You.” I never dreamed that I might be harboring unforgiveness. Not me!
One day while not thinking about anything in particular, the Lord showed me that I did indeed harbor unforgiveness toward someone. Boy, was I surprised! As the Lord brought this person to my mind, I felt long-dormant feelings of anger and even frustration. How dare this person criticize another child of God! Then I said, “Yes, Lord, You are right (as usual). I have held unforgiveness in my heart. Thank you for showing me. I’m sorry, please forgive me. Lord, I choose to forgive this person.”
Now, whenever the enemy tries to bring up my attitude of unforgiveness, I say, “Nope. I have forgiven him, and God has forgiven me. It’s under the blood of Jesus.” Then I say, “Thank you, Lord, for helping me to forgive. What a wonderful Lord You are!” And I begin to praise and worship the Lord.
Doing this makes the enemy’s plans backfire. He hopes to drag me back into unforgiveness by causing me to doubt my decision to forgive. But I use it as an opportunity to exalt the name of Jesus.
Does the enemy ever try to drag you back into unforgiveness after you have determined to forgive someone? If he tries, just remind him that your sins are forgiven and begin to praise and worship Jesus for all he has done for us. It will silence the enemy (see Psalm 8:2), and you will have a joyous time with our wonderful Savior, Jesus!