Lay Up Treasures

But store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where moths and rust do not destroy … (Matthew 6:20 NIV). What is the greatest treasure we can hope to find in Heaven? What will affect us eternally? At the top of God’s priorities will be what we have done to help another person believe in Jesus as Savior. They will be …

It’s All About Praise!

Thank you so much for the blessing you are, and the precious memory of Merlin! His books have blessed me over and over and I freely give copies to others. Faith, PA I read You Can Be Happy Now, and it is heart healing and soul recharging and I have passed it along to the other inmates. We all love …

It is Sufficient

By Mary Carothers God sent Elijah to the brook called Cherith. He did this because there was a drought coming on the land. Elijah was to drink from the brook and the birds would bring him food each day. Although many others in the land were suffering from the result of the drought, God had made provision for Elijah. As …

Pushing Buttons

No matter how spiritual we are, we all have “buttons” that can be pushed. They are like a silent switch – turned on and off – sometimes without a sound. We often are not aware of just how they are pushed, but we are aware of the results. Some people learn what buttons they can push to make us angry, …

Praises for Prison to Praise

Prison to Praise change my life. I now understand why I have not been a very effective Christian. Thank you. Gary, AZ I first read Prison to Praise ten years ago and have since read it many times, along with Merlin’s other books. He had such a way of telling his stories that reached my heart and conveyed God’s word …


By Mary Carothers Last week I listened as some folks talked about how hard it was to forgive a person who had done something bad to them. It’s not too likely that anyone reaches adulthood without having experienced situations where they felt betrayed. Because of this, whether we decide to forgive someone or not, it’s important to know what God …

The Impossible

As I get older, I no longer have the same temptations that I once had. Now I have the “older folks” ones. Young people are sometimes tempted to think I can’t do it. No matter how qualified they may be they will never do their best if they accept the “I can’t do it” attitude. Each one of us can …

The Incredible Power of Praise

The book Power in Praise has been a real blessing in my life. Robert, NJ I gave a young friend in Ohio a copy of Power in Praise and she read it and took it to heart. She told me in astonishment, “I’ve not been trusting the Lord.” I also gave a copy to an always anxious friend in Colorado, …

Who Do You Say He Is?

By Mary Carothers In Matthew 16:13 Jesus asked His disciples, Who do people say that I am? The disciples replied that some folks thought Jesus was John the Baptist, perhaps because John and Jesus ushered in a new era of God’s dealing with mankind. Other people thought He was Elijah, because both Jesus and Elijah were miracle workers. Still others …

It Is Still Happening

Ever since I became a follower of Jesus I have heard people asking, “How do you know that Jesus is who He said He was?” Something happened in me when I knew Jesus was my Savior. Nobody said, “Merlin, you should tell people all over the world that Jesus is the Savior.” Yet a voice within me kept urging me …