In looking through past Praise News I found this article that Merlin wrote and was blessed by it and hope it blesses you too. “When I wrote Prison to Praise my goal was to help people to learn to praise the Lord. But to my surprise, and great joy, God’s plan was to also use the book to lead many …
Prison to Praise Reports of Praise
My husband and I read Prison to Praise years ago (and re-read many times) and it changed our whole perspective – and in many ways our lives. Over the years we have given many of your books to others. Thank you for your faithfulness in continuing the Foundation after Merlin went “home”. Lynne, NY I have been a pastor for …
What Do You Need?
By Mary Carothers A friend of mine recently shared a learning experience in her life. After working very hard on a project, she waited expectantly for her employer’s praise for work well done. Instead, he began to point out areas that would need improvement next time. Well, she thought, constructive criticism is good; when he’s through, he’ll surely praise me …
Imagine a child playing with blocks. Picture this child placing one block on the floor and then another on top of it. He says, “See, I’m going to pile the blocks clear to the ceiling!” The child thinks he is putting each block exactly on top of the others, but actually each one is a little off center. Imperfection causes …