The Incredible Power of Praise

The book Power in Praise has been a real blessing in my life. Robert, NJ I gave a young friend in Ohio a copy of Power in Praise and she read it and took it to heart. She told me in astonishment, “I’ve not been trusting the Lord.” I also gave a copy to an always anxious friend in Colorado, …

Who Do You Say He Is?

By Mary Carothers In Matthew 16:13 Jesus asked His disciples, Who do people say that I am? The disciples replied that some folks thought Jesus was John the Baptist, perhaps because John and Jesus ushered in a new era of God’s dealing with mankind. Other people thought He was Elijah, because both Jesus and Elijah were miracle workers. Still others …

It Is Still Happening

Ever since I became a follower of Jesus I have heard people asking, “How do you know that Jesus is who He said He was?” Something happened in me when I knew Jesus was my Savior. Nobody said, “Merlin, you should tell people all over the world that Jesus is the Savior.” Yet a voice within me kept urging me …