Little by Little

Little by Little


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By Mary Carothers

Lot had lived for many years in close relationship with Abraham. Doubtless he had known about Abraham’s relationship with God. Free from the stress of today’s hurried pace, they probably spent many hours talking about God. The New Testament speaks of Lot as a righteous man (see II Peter 2:7,8). We can therefore assume that he instructed his family in the way of the Lord.

Then came the day that Abraham and Lot had to separate from one another – the area could not support their flocks and herds. Abraham gave first choice to Lot. As Lot was the younger, he should have deferred to Abraham, giving the older man his preference. Even though Lot was a righteous man, he still had problems with “looking out for #1.” And so, he chose the best land for himself. Abraham took what was left. Had we been one of Abraham’s herdsmen, we probably would have grumbled that Abraham had gotten the short end of the deal. The truth is: we can never be short-changed by others if we are walking with God. Although Lot chose the “biggest piece” when he chose the well-watered valley, he ultimately lost everything, while Abraham became even more wealthy.

Lot may well have been a righteous man, but he certainly lacked wisdom in moving his family closer to, and eventually into, “Sin-City Canaan.” Have you ever noticed how the enemy entices us to compromise just a little bit at a time? When Lot first separated from Abraham, he probably stayed as far as possible from Sodom – avoiding it like the plague. But little by little he moved closer, and finally, folding his tent away, he moved into the city itself. How like us he sounds!

Compromising “little by little” may lead us into questionable territory. For example, think a moment about television and movies. Do you find yourself watching things today that once were offensive? Did you once have strong convictions against drinking, but now find it easy to justify a relaxing drink after work? Were you once in close church fellowship but now choose to sleep in or plan a family outing instead? I could go on and on, but I’m sure you get the picture.

Whatever the reasons for compromise were, Lot’s family paid a terrible price. Only because of the prayerful intercession of Uncle Abraham – the family’s “religious fanatic” – were they saved from destruction. They were so reluctant to leave Sodom that the angels had to literally drag them out of the city. Or perhaps it was their riches that chained them to Sodom. No wonder Jesus said it was difficult for the rich to enter the kingdom.

Let’s become more aware of the enemy’s tactics. He never tries to get us to move into “Sodom” right away. Rather, he entices us little-by-little, until before we know it, we have fallen into his trap. But no more!! For we, like Paul, can “keep Satan from gaining the advantage over us; for we are not ignorant of his designs” (see II Cor. 2:11).

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