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By Mary Carothers
God sent Elijah to the brook called Cherith. He did this because there was a drought coming on the land. Elijah was to drink from the brook and the birds would bring him food each day. Although many others in the land were suffering from the result of the drought, God had made provision for Elijah.
As time went by, Elijah must have been aware that the brook was beginning to dry up. Perhaps he had to scoop out a hollow in order to catch a bit of water to drink. The provision of God was no longer abundant.
But it was sufficient. God’s provision for us is always sufficient. We may not live in as nice a place as we would like and our transportation may not be dependable. Perhaps our job is below our ability level. All these things are very humbling. We want a better standard of living; more money in our pockets.
But God’s provision is sufficient. As the Apostle Paul said in I Timothy 6:8, If we have food and clothing we will be content with that. Paul didn’t have a home of his own – not even a room in someone else’s home. He certainly didn’t have a closet full of clothes, or a pantry full of food.
But God’s provision – for Elijah and Paul – was sufficient.
I Kings 17:7 tells us: Some time later the brook dried up. Then and only then did the Lord tell Elijah to go to Zarephath in Sidon. Do you think Elijah was anxious as the brook began drying up? Did he worry about what he would do when the water was all gone? Or do you think he trusted God? We really can’t know, can we?
What we do know is that God provided. Not abundantly, but sufficiently. He provided a brook for a time, and later He provided a widow to take care of Elijah.
And He will provide for His own, those He has purchased with the blood of His Son, Jesus. Sometimes abundantly, sometimes barely. Either way, God wants us to know that His provision is sufficient. Let’s trust Him to know what’s best for each of us, at every point in our lives. The Lord alone is our security.