The Impossible

The Impossible


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As I get older, I no longer have the same temptations that I once had. Now I have the “older folks” ones. Young people are sometimes tempted to think I can’t do it. No matter how qualified they may be they will never do their best if they accept the “I can’t do it” attitude.

Each one of us can accept the “I can’t do it” feeling. We can think “I’m too tired to do anything” or “My body is sick.” Perhaps we feel like “I don’t know how to do anything special” or even “I don’t have the time!” We are tempted to think of all the reasons why we can’t do something that will build God’s Kingdom.

We can become too old to do some things, but if we are wise, we will keep believing; regardless of this accident or that illness God has kept me alive to do something for His Kingdom. He has plans for me.

Our bodies will become older and slower, but our attitudes need not be controlled by that. God may have designed our latter days to accomplish far more than ever before. We can learn the meaning of, Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty you will succeed because of my Spirit, though you are few and weak (Zech. 4:6 TLB).

God is seeking people of any age to accomplish the “impossible.” In one day, we could achieve something that will cause a multitude of people to spend eternity in Heaven!

What should we do? We can meditate on God’s Word. We can listen to the Holy Spirit. He will teach us as we learn to listen. The Bible tells us of many very ordinary men and women through whom God accomplished amazing miracles. Why? Because they believed Him!  We are limited only by our faith.

We know that God has planned for us to be alive today! That helps us believe that God has a mission for us.

Maybe there is a person living near you that is so ungodly that everyone has given up on trying to help them receive Jesus as Savior. God may have brought you to this time and place to bring that person into His family. That person is so valuable in God’s eyes that He will reward the one who helps them. There are many hurting people who do not know even one Christian who has tried to tell them about Jesus. You and I can become that one person!

What blessings might God give to the person who causes “impossible” things to happen? Let’s not limit our Lord. He is the mighty Creator – nothing is beyond His power! He can do anything through you and me if we are willing for Him to work through us. His blessings are greater than we can even imagine!

We should not listen to the voice that whispers, “You will never be used by God to do great things.” Jesus invites everyone who believes in Him, to accomplish impossible things. He gave us reason to stretch our faith when He said we could move mountains if we believed Him. God will help any one of us do what others do not believe can be done. Paul believed and wrote: I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13). (Reprint from May 2009)

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