Praise & Thanks! | Letters From Our Readers

Praise & Thanks! | Letters From Our Readers


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My faith has gone to a whole new level because of Merlin’s books!
Carla, OH

Thank you very much for the Praise News. I love reading the letters. Thank you also for continuing with the work of the Foundation of Praise.
Elaine, ND

I truly benefit from the Praise News and usually pass them on to others. – certainly, never throw them away as they are “food for the soul”.
MaryJane, IN

Thank you for all you do to spread God’s Word around the world. So glad that someone told me about praise ten years ago.
Cheryl, NY

I received Prison to Praise and I loved it. I’ve put everything in God’s hands to work good for me.
Angela, Shelby Jail, TN

I have read Prison to Praise not once, not twice but four times and chapter seven touches me every time.
Steven, Cuyahoga Jail, OH

I am a Christian believer and the whole praise concept had eluded me before I read the praise books. They have changed my whole outlook on life even here in prison. I found the books in the prison chapel, and I don’t know who got it there but praise God for it!
Natalya, Tacoma Corrections, NY

Thank you for the books you sent to the Bethesda Mission and for remembering those in need. So many have begun to experience the power of Christ’s love for the first time.
Scott, PA

Thank you for your generous donation of books. Merlin’s books have been a beacon of hope and light, especially to those prison. These will certainly be of encouragement to the men at Larch Corrections.
Chaplain, WA

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