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Many years ago, I was stationed at Fort Benning, Georgia and was assigned to clean the chapel, where the chaplain was Merlin Carothers. We got to talking and Merlin (I called him Colonel Carothers then) asked me if I could write. I had written a few articles, so he asked me to look over something he had written, in pencil and in a spiral-bound notebook. It was such a powerful message that I found myself forgetting to edit, and instead read ahead often in tears because of the power of the stories he told. About three weeks later I was transferred so I didn’t know how the book had turned out. Actually, Prison to Praise turned out rather well and whoever came up with that title was a genius! My experience with Merlin had a big impact on my life and I want to thank you for continuing on with Merlin’s legacy.
Harris, NC
I picked up Prison to Praise in my doctor’s office and it is such a blessing! Thank you.
Sandy, TX
As a teenager, I read Prison to Praise, and praise has been a part of my life ever since and I am forever grateful. Thank you for continuing on.
Joyce, FL
I just read Prison to Praise, and it has really changed my perspective on how I see things.
Irene, MN
I just read Prison to Praise again for the umpteenth time and as always, I am reminded to praise God in my current situation. God is so faithful.
Jan, TX
Thank you for sending Prison to Praise. I know the men here will find comfort and encouragement in this book. Your ministry is a valuable tool for helping these men to cope with the situations that the prison environment brings.
Chaplain, Correctional Inst., FL
While I was detoxing from my fentanyl addiction in the segregation hole, I found Prison to Praise in my cell. Its not the usual type of book I would read but something urged me to pick it up. It surprised me how much I enjoyed it, and something clicked, and it was like my soul was starving for this spiritual truth. I asked Jesus to forgive my sins and come into my life.
David, Correctional Facility, CA
Praise from eBook readers!
Prison to Praise has many examples of how God works in mysterious ways. Just be thankful and watch the miracles unfold.
A friend of mine recommended that I read Prison to Praise. It’s a quick and easy read and has a strong and positive message.
Prison to Praise is a great book and good read when in need of encouragement and reassurance of God’s perfect plan.
I read Prison To Praise and am always Blessed by the book.
From a Vietnamese and Cold War Veteran I thank God first, and I thank LTC Merlin Carothers for writing this book. It truly is a Blessing to me.